** October 4th 2021. Video for "The Good Book" published. The opening track on "Chapter Five"
** September 11th 2021. New album "Chapter Five" released today!
** February 14th 2021. New song and video "Dance Until We Die" published.
** April 3rd 2020 - Video number 3 inside of a month! Can't be bad! This time around an interpretation of 'All This Rain' from the album 'The Country Variations' My video guy just gets better and better!
** March 11th 2020 - Another video. This one for my old favourite 'Blood Runs Cold' from the 'Maturity' album. Really pleased with how this turned out!!
** March 5th 2020- Something a little different for 2020 - A song to pay tribute to the many ladies of Jazz and Blues who became legends but whose lives ended far to soon for their fans. First time I have had a professional input with a video and I'm sure it shows!!
** June 3rd - After listening to UKCountryradio.com as much as possible after the feature weekend it was time to get out with the Q-chord again. New video posted of Wayfaring Stranger played in the ruins of Bara Church on Gotland. Lots of wind and a very active choir of the local crows!!
** April 25 - Great news from UKCountryRadio.com They are featuring my music every hour from the evening of Friday May 10th to the evening of Sunday May 12th! Surprised and pleased!!
** More October - Also put up a "live" version of "Old Fashioned Morphine" from the Fishing Hut session...
** October 2018 - Long time no see. The new album Maturity was release last month. Also put out a video of the song "Bad Things" using the latest musical toy, a Suzuki Q-chord. That got a lot of views and likes on Facebook. Just waiting for delivery of the physical Cds before sending them to friends and fans and radio outlets.....
** March 26th - Update for 2017 so far. Work still progressing on final two tracks for next album. Also some radio play on Dapper Radios 'Moonshine Experience' and indie radio station Undergroundradio.com
** December 4th - Very long time and no see! Now a new track "Masters Wallet" is being aired. It will of course be included on the next album!
** April 16th - Gasoline up three places to number 6 on CMG!
** April 9th - Gasoline up to number 9 on the CMG chart!
** March 26th - Easter update on the CMG chart. Gasoline gets to number 10!
** March 13th - This week Gasoline goes up to number 12 on CMG!
** March 6th - Another look at the CMG All Indie Top 20. Gasoline is number 14!
** January 23rd - CMG latest chart update today - And Gasoline is in the Independent All GenresTop 20 at number 18!
** January 6th - 2016 and more good news. Guess who is number 1 on the UKCountryradio chart for december...
** January 1st - Great start to the New Year! CMG radio have me on their main page as their Featured Male Artist!! http://www.cmgglobalradio.com/
** November 16th - UKCountryRadio.com start a promotion for "Gasoline 14" today. Wonder if any of the listeners remember the original version from a few years back?
** November 14th - A few weeks work on "Blood Runs Cold" now complete and the track is avaiable for listening on YouTube. Link to the song on the opening page in here!
** October 7th - CMG have stopped publishing all of their charts. And just when "Gasoline" was doing so well! It was good while it lasted...
** September 11th - 13th - Thank you UKCountryradio.com for making me the weekends featured artist. A fine selection of tracks from all of my albums was played throughout the weekend!
** September 5th - Now things are starting to happen - "Gasoline" up to nr 32 on the CMG list.
** September 3rd - CMG have gone over to a Top 40. "Gasoline" is there at number 34!
** July 18th - Halfway there! No reports about lists for a while - But "Gasoline" is now number 49 on the CMG Top 100...
** June 13th - "Gasoline" up to nr 66 on the CMG Top 100...
** May 23rd - CMG chart updates. "The Rap" nr 3 on the Asian All Indie chart. "Gasoline" nr 8 in Australia and nr 72 on the CMG Top 100!
** May 9th - "The Rap" number 4 on the Asian Indie Chart. "Gasoline" number 73 on the CMG Top 100 - but best of all "Gasoline" gets into the Australian Top 10!
** April 25th - A day to remember! "The Rap" makes number 1 on the CMG International chart!
** April 18th - "The Rap" now at number 2. "Gasoline" up till nr 85. "The Rap" at nr 3 in Canada. No nails left to bite on....
** April 11th - Saturday and "The Rap" is up to nr. 3 with "Gasoline" at nr. 86. In Canada "The Rap" reaches nr. 5...
** April 4th - Easter news! On the CMG Global Top 100 "The Rap" goes up to nr 4, "Gasoline" up to nr 90 and in Canada "The Rap" goes up to nr 6!
** March 28th - Saturday report - "The Rap" up 2 places to nr 5 and "Gasoline" up 3 places to nr 94 on the CMG Global Top 100. No change in Canada - "The Rap" stays at nr 7...
** March 14th - Biting my nails... "The Rap" up again - Number 7 on the CMG Top 100 and number 8 in Canada...
** March 7th - Unbelievable! - "The Rap" goes up again! Number 8 on the CMG Global Top 100 and number 9 in Canada.....
** March 1st - New CMG charts yesterday. "The Rap" back up to number 10 on the International Chart and it also enters the Canadian Top 10 at number 10! I am amazed....
** February 21st - Last week "The Rap" went down to number 12 at CMG. But this week it went up again - to number 11!
** February 7th - Today "The Rap" enters the CMG top 10!!
** February 1st - New month and new chart. CMG has now returned to a Top 100 chart. And there you see "The Country Rap" at number 13. Unbelievable - It's still going up!
** January 2nd - New Year, New CMG International chart, but the same position for "The Country Rap". Hanging on in there at number 17!
** December 1st - Time for another look at the CMG charts. "The Rap" goes up two more places on the International Top 200 and is now at number 17. And in Japan it's up 1 place to number 13...
** November 17th - "The Country Variations" available as from today - Spotify, ITunes, Amazon and all the rest...
** November 14th - As if news of a new album wasn't enough - "The Country Rap" has gone up another step to number 19 on the CMG Top 200 and up two steps to number 13 in Japan...
** November 13th - At last! New album "The Country Variations" finished. Cover photos by Olof Nysten. Album uploaded to Dittomusic for digital release next week. Album also sent off to the presses in Norrköping so no guesses as to what everyone will be getting from me for Christmas. Break out the champagne....
** November 1st - New charts today. The Rap goes up one place to number 19 on the CMG Global Top 200 and up two places to number 13 in Japan!
** October 15th - On the new CMG charts: The Country Rap moves up to number 20 on the Top 200 and moves up 3 places to number 15 on the Japanese Country Top 20...
** October 6th - The CMG International website has reopened today after a facelift. Checked the charts. "The Country Rap" is back at number 24 on the Top 200. But it's also at number 18 on the CMG Top 20 Country list for JAPAN...!
** September 5th - The descent has started! "The Country Rap" slips down the ladder to number 30...
** August 29th - "The Rap" moves on up to number 24...
** August 22nd - "The Rap" makes it to number 25...
** August 15th - Up again - Number 26 this week!
** August 8th - And now "The Rap" reaches number 27!
** July 25th - The story continues. Up another place to number 29...
** July 18th - Still going up! Number 30!
** July 11th - The latest CMG Country Radio list was published today. Rawley Taylor - The Country Rap has jumped up 6 places and is now number 32. Unbelievable...
** June 27th - Still going up on CMG! This week number 38!
** June 20th - The CMG Top 40 at last! "The Rap" is in at number 40!
** June 6th - Up another step to number 41. Will "The Rap" make the top 40?
Nu upp till nummer 41. Kommer "The Rap" att klara steget in på Top 40?
** May 30th - One more step upwards! Number 42!
** May 23rd - But this week The Rap climbs up another 2 places. Number 43!! YeeHii!
** May 16th - Only one place but still upwards. Number 45!
** May 9th - Climbing up another 6 places to number 46! All is not yet lost! Apert from the joys of featuring on the CMG chart work is now in progress on the title track for the forthcoming album "The Upstairs Room"
** April 25th - Still going up! 5 more places in the right direction and now "The Rap" is number 52!
** April 11th - Two more steps - still in the right direction! Up to number 57!
** April 5th - And now up again to number 59. Biting my nails....
** March 28th - The continuing story of the CMG radio chart! Up one more step to number 61...
** March 14th - And now a little jump. Up three places to number 62...
** March 7th - Several slow weeks but the song has now crawled up to number 65...
** January 24th - Yet another Friday. Now up three places to Sixty Nine!!
** January 10th - Friday again and another check on the CMG chart. Up 2 more places to number 72!
** January 3rd - Now we're talking! "The Country Rap" jumps up 6 places on the CMG networks Top 200! Number 74!
** December 19th - Thursday again. I hold my breath and check in to the CMG network. Still going up! "The Country Rap" slides up to number 80! Next update is January 2nd so I can rest easy until then!
** December 12th - CMG have moved me even higher. 4 placse this week from number 85 to number 81!
** November 28th - "Country Rap" up another notch on the CMG chart. Now at number 86. To celebrate Thanksgiving the video goes up on YouTube today. It can also be seen here on the 'vision' page!
** November 26th - Slaving away every evening trying to get the clips in the right order for "The Country Rap" video. Guarranteed NOT to be a professional job...
** November 14th - I know that this is getting monotonous - but I take a peep every Thursday with bated breath! "The Country Rap" is still going up! This week it's at number 87...
** November 2nd - And up again - Now number 88...
** October 26th - Still going up! Number 89...
** October 5th - Up from number 94 to 92. Going slow but it's in the right direction...
** September 28th - And another step up for "The Country Rap". This week it's at number 94...
** September 23rd - "The Country Rap" crept up one notch to number 95 on the CMG Country Top 100
** September 15th - A new video on YouTube showing the proud riders at Havdhem Market demonstrating their skills to the accompaniment of "Desire - Cowboy Song" form the album "A Touch Of Colour"... A link to the vidoe is on the "vision" page.
** September 12th - The CMG Country music top 100 - "The Country Rap" is still in there and it's gone up 4 places to number 96!
** September 3rd - UKCountryradio announce the latest top 10 for their 'Most listened to chart'. 'The Country Rap' hangs on to the number 1 slot for a second month!
** September 1st - The CMG organisation of worldwide independent radio stations has a top 100 list of country music by independent artists. To my great astonishment "The Country Rap" has entered the list at number 100!
Will it get any higher?
** August 31st - Back to normality on Gotland after a great time on Thassos. Have ordered a special delivery of Retsina. New picture of the bathing beauty on the 'images' page. Same beach but something else is new...
** August 13th - Left the beach in Greece long enought to hook up to the web and se that "The Country Rap" has made it to number 1 on UKCountryradio.com! Great news!
** July 19th - All set up to start promoting "The Country Rap" in the US. Digital press kits completed so watch out....

** July 11th - Been away for a while but a few things have happened. 'The Country Rap' is being promoted on UKCountryradio.com and as of this week the song is also on the playlist at Countryradio.com in the USA. Consequently this site has had a bit of a clean-up and all pages with music have either got new tracks or the official mastered versions of the old ones!
** March 14th - A strange experience. Discovered that someone has put my first ever recording from 1981 up on YouTube. They have even added the "Rawley" to my name. I never used that at the time. Very curious as to whodunnit! Link to the song on the "Sound" page under "Sound And Vision"
** March 1st - One week to go at the most! New single "The Country Rap" is on its way out to the world of digital downloads...
** February 6th - "You Can't Drive My Car" now at number 1 on the UKCountryradio chart! So very very pleased!!
** January 2nd - Great start to the New Year! "You Can't Drive My Car" is at number 2 on the UKCountryradio chart!
** October 29th - News from UKCR that they will be playing tracks from "A Touch Of Colour" from next week...
** October 19th - And now Amazon is selling the album...
** October 17th - ITunes in Sweden has joined in today.
** October 13th - Spotify wins the race to thrust "A Touch Of Colour" upon the unsuspecting world! Who will be next?
** October 12th - 'A Touch Of Colour' was sent off to the distributor on the 10th and is now being processed for digital release. Waiting to see where it will pop up first!
** October 3rd - All ready for the next UKCR promotion. 'You Can't Drive My Car' from album 'A Touch Of Colour' will start playing on Monday November 19th.
**August 21st - Great news! UKCountryradio are putting Rawley Taylor in their featured artist spot for the weekend Friday September 14th to Sunday September 16th. They will be playing a track every hour and also telling tales about me as well as broadcasting an interview. I am speechless - at least until I do the interview...
** August 16th - Brown all over and ready for the final track. This year's photo of the walrus on the beach will soon be pasted on the 'images' page. Slim and lithe as ever...
** July 16th - Finished 'True Country - Golden Grain' yesterday evening and now just one more track to do to complete this years opus - Final track 'You Can't Drive My Car' will have to wait a while. The annual trek to Greece starts on Friday.
Θα σας δω όλους το φθινόπωρο!
** July 11th - Album still not finished. But now only 1½ tracks to do. Video from Midsummer posted on download sites just to keep my hand in! 'The Small Town Shuffle' gets matched to some traditional folk dancing and it actually works (or so he says...)
** May 4th - Finally getting my voice back after a whole 8 weeks of flu and complications. But I've been able to do some backing tracks. Next album 'A Touch Of Colour' severely delayed but all the songs are written and 8 are in the can. 3 left to complete...
** March 13th - Another month passes and 'Sweet Companion' is still number 2 on the UKCR chart. This can't last - but it's fun!
** February 8th - 'Sweet Companion' lost the number one spot on UKCountryradio yesterday - but it's only moved down a notch to number two...
** January 4th - What a way to start 2012! 'Sweet Companion' is number one on the UKCountryradio listeners chart for December. A bit of 'Rock 'n Rawl' turned out to be a good thing...
** December 6th - Still hanging in there! 'Chevvy' at number 3 on the UKCountryradio chart for November
** December 2nd - 'Gasoline' entered the Wildhorse Entertainment top 30 for December at number 9
** November 20th - UKCountryradio.com to start playing 'Sweet Companion' on November 29th...
** November 14th - New single 'Sweet Companion' sent off into cyberspace for digital distribution. No particular set date for release so I just have to wait until it turns up in all the stores!
** November 13th - Interviewed live on US radio from Washington and going out on 14 channels. Hope someone was listening - it was only 8:30 in the morning over there...
** November 5th - Visit Wildhorse Entertainment at
Scroll down the page until you find 'Gasoline'
Right click on the picture and choose 'save target as' and you get a free download of the song...
** November 3rd - Wildhorse Entertainment in South Africa has sent 'Gasoline' to be played in Nashville and in Austria as well as home in South Africa. The song will be up for free download as from Saturday. All downloads contribute to getting into their top 30
** November 3rd - New UKCountryradio chart published and 'Chevvy In Your Driveway' enters at number 2. No-one seems to mind that there's one 'v' too many in 'Chevvy'...
** October 18th - Mail today from www.radiowaves.us to say they are playing "Gasoline". Just had to log in and listen! The DJ says "Did you ever wonder what country music from Sweden sounds like?" He takes a pause and comes back with "Me neither!" And then "Gasoline" gets a spin...
** October 4th - 'The Wild Side Of Life' still at number 2 on the UKCountryradio chart for September. But it won't be there next time around because I've asked them to start playing something else!
** September 6th - UKCountryRadio chart for August released and 'The Wild Side Of Life' is still up there at number 2...
** August 29th - RT is now a featured artist on Songwriter Radio with his own page and all tracks from 'The Golden Ring' on their regular play schedule...
** August 3rd - Just heard this afternoon that 'The Wild Side Of Life' has moved up to number 2 on the UKCountryRadio chart for July! So it's off to Greece with a big smile under that moustache....
** July 5th - UKCountryRadios chart for June came out today. 'The Wild Side Of Life' has entered at number 3! A great start to the summer holidays!...
** June 14th - Just found out today that 'The Golden Ring' is number 2 on the UKCountryRadio listeners chart for May. Feeling really 'chuffed' as one says...
** April 11th - Picture on the front page of UKCountryradio.com to advertise that they are starting to play 'The Golden Ring'.
Anyone listening out there...
** April 6th - The figures for the UKCountryradio.com chart for March came out today - 'Gasoline' has gone back up to first place again after resting for a month at number 3!
Praise the Lord He gave us Gasoline!
** March 30th - UKCountryradio.com have started selling the new album today...
** February 27th - 'The Golden Ring And Other Stories' now finished and working its way towards release. Planned release date is April 4th. This time there will also be 'real' Cds for sale through UK Country Radio as well as all the usual digital stuff. Première release for the newly established Artee Records!
** February 21st - Question number 3 in this weeks Gotland quiz on the local papers website is 'What is the name of the englishman living on Gotland who is number 1 on a British radio station with his song 'Gasoline'.
Now who can that be??
** February 19th - Interviewed by UKCountryradio. Three short interviews to be broadcast during the coming week...
** February 18th - Local newspaper 'Gotlands Allehanda' publish a short report about the number 1 spot on UKCountryRadio and also tell the readers about the video for 'The Country Boy In Me'...
** February 6th - Email from UkCountryRadio.com. 'Gasoline' is number 1 on the listeners chart for January! Now that sure was real good news y'all......
** January 27th 2011 - Putting the finishing touches to 'The Golden Ring' which will hopefully be the title track for the new album out this Spring. The song is set in World War 1.
** January 26th 2011 - UK Country Radio have been playing 'Gasoline' for several weeks now and the song has also qualified to enter for the stations listener's award competition for 2010. All votes gratefully received...
** November 30th 2010 - RT has had his own page in the 'artists' section of UK Country Radio for over a week now. They will start playing 'Gasoline' before Christmas. Check it out:
** November 17th 2010 - The video for 'The Country Boy In Me' lands on YouTube. Follow the link on the 'Sound and Vision' page!
** New single 'Gasoline'scheduled for release November 29th 2010. Available in the same stores as the other two releases. Coverpic on the 'Images' page...
** October 31st and November 7th 2010 - Filming a video for 'Country Boy' on exotic location on the Olsson farm in Sanda on Gotland!
A couple of photos from the first session on the 'Images' page...
** October 28th 2010 - 'Gasoline' finished and put on the shelf for a while. The song will be out and about in due course but the lyrics are to be found on the Lyrics page if anyone wants to start guessing.....
** September 9th 2010 - 'A Brand New Day' sees the light. There's a story in this one. Only for the inner circle to start with.....
** September 3rd 2010 - A two-page spread in the newspaper Gotlands Allehanda. If you can't get hold of the real thing check out the link here:
** August 29th 2010 - 'Evil (Is The Way Of The World)' fresh out of the RT song factory and available here for listening and/or download for a limited period. Not up on any other websites...
** July 26th 2010 - 'Found Love' added to the songlist before shutting down for the holidays. One to dance to - and also to make you smile if you listen to the words!
Find it here:
** June 20th 2010 - 'The Country Boy In Me' has been renovated with new bass and vocal and may now be heard here:
** June 11th 2010 - The public put RT at third place in the 'Svensktoppen' competition but the jury put him last! Result - number 4 out of the 5 contestants. Nothing more to do than go and drown those sorrows.....
** June 7th 2010 - '21st Century Song' sees the light. This one goes straight onto The Pirate Bay for 'legal' download! A suitable CD cover can be found on the 'Images' page if anyone wants to put it on a disc! Song is also on Reverbnation and LastFm
** May 18th 2010 - 'The Country Boy In Me' makes it through to the Final of Radio Gotlands 'Svensktoppen Nästa'. All fingers crossed until June 11th. The song can be heard on the radio website. There's a link here at the top of the 'Sound and Vision' page....
** April 28th 2010 - And along comes the next one - 'Head Held High' replaces 'The Weatherman' as free download at the bottom of the 'Sound and Vision' page. 'Weatherman' comes out on release as a single on May 3rd.
** April 11th 2010 - A long time planning this but today sees the release of the video for 'Hymn' featuring Laban, the celebrated miller and baker from southern Gotland. Enjoy!!
** April 6th 2010 - New single 'The Weatherman' scheduled for release May 3rd on same outlets as listed below
** March 24th 2010 - 'Pop Til U DRop' is on digital release at Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.fr, Amazon.de, Spotify, iTunes, Tesco.co.uk, Skivlagret.se and many other digital download stores in Europe and the USA......
** February 11th 2010 - The great event is now on the horizon - Rawley Taylor 'Pop Til U Drop' scheduled for digital release on March 22nd if all goes accordning to plan. 14 track album or individual tracks will be available from I-tunes, Spotify, Amazon, HMV and many other online music stores - even good old Tescos!
Last track on the album is 'The R.T. Shuffle' - song written and recorded in January and not up on any websites.
The highly original cover can be admired here on the 'images' page...
** December 19th - Last song for 2009 'Hymn' out on various websites and also available for listening or download here on the 'Sound and Vision' page
** December 11th - The Grand Debut on Radio Gotland - and they even took pictures!
** November 25th - testing 'Stay With Me' on this website. Listen or download at the bottom of the 'Sound and Vision' page. All comments appreciated. You won't find this one anywhere else......(Did I hear a 'Thank Goodness for that!' ??) - Update - now you can find it all over the place.....
** November 21st - 'Eleutra Chicken' gets a video. Link on the 'Sound and Vision'page. This productivity just has to stop.....
** November 12th - 'Waiting In The Wings' A new RT composition out on the usual places on the web. No video to this one just yet...
** November 4th - a new video out on various places on the net. "Steady At The Wheel" meets the Gotland Grand National Dirtbike contest.
** An appearance on Radio Gotlands 'Mari's Kafé' booked for December 11th. Rummage around for your ear-trumpets and tune in between 10 a.m. and 11:30.
** No Eurovision for R.T. this time around and no surprises there. All three entries are now on the usual plaes like Last FM, Myspace and ReverbNation. But the one that R.T.'s own panel of judges liked best is on the 'Sound and Vision' page here on the website. Check out 'Just One Kind Of Loneliness' at the bottom of that page.
** 'Eleutra Chicken' hatched out on September 26th and she Struttin' Her Stuff here on the website and hoping to flap her wings fast enough to get across to The Bahamas. Meanwhile you can hear what she's all about at the bottom of the 'Sound and Vision' page.
** September 19th - Finally a new video hits YouTube. After a month working on three songs to send in to the Swedish Eurovison Competition so that they arrive in time to be rejected an old idea was resurrected and the result can be seen on the 'Sound and Vision' page...... 'Then I Kissed Her'
** August 18th - Nope! Nothing new except for the actual website which first saw the light of day (?) on July 16th. A month in Greece has just come to an end and there are now a few more projects in the pipeline.......
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